понедельник, 4 февраля 2013 г.

New fashion trends 2013

New fashion trends 2013. Already in the middle of winter we are concerned about what will be fashionable in the spring of 2013. Heavy winter clothing is boring, like hats, spoiling the hair, warm tights, causing irritation to the skin. Wants to get dressed in something bright that I could lift the mood. But the beginning of spring - it's pretty pretty cold period, so if you do not want to catch some colds, wait to spring fashion, walk around a little while in winter clothes.

How to dress vein 2013

For the spring period, you perfect leather jacket or Bologna. Spring - it is a windy time, and jacket will be much easier than sheepskin or fur, but in a jacket, you will not freeze. In the spring jacket should be a high collar, and a hood so that she could hide you from the elements. Pick up for yourself and coats, spring weather changes very often, so it is useful to you.

2013 spring fashion trends includes a hat, even on sunny days. Cap, hat or beret will protect your hair from the cold air and you from the cold weather and the common cold. In the spring you can buy a somewhat simplified version of a hat.

Throat must necessarily cover a scarf. You will not need a warm scarf that was you in the spring, you can buy a model with ruffles and frills - these scarves are in fashion this season. Get a thin tippets and delicate shawls, fashion scarves are made of silk, despite the fact that these things are too thin, they can keep the heat in your body.

Spring will be free and fashionable thin sweaters that can be made of natural materials. Do not wear synthetic fabrics, today, they are not in fashion, but you can wear them as a first layer of clothing or a jacket.

Early spring - this is not the time for thin stockings or tights. You will need a medium-hot version or thick tights different textures uniform color. So you'll look fashionable. Do not rush to wear thin air dresses flying silhouette, so you only catch a cold and freeze.

As for shoes, with the onset of spring, do not immediately run to dress and change shoes at all easy. Land for a long time will be cold, especially as the heels and stilettos are not suitable for wearing in the ice and freezing.

If you pick the color correctly, you will only have a real spring image. If you are tired with the frost, then wear something not too monotonous. Bright clothing and accessories lift your mood. How to dress vein 2013 in the spring and be original? Acquire yourself umbrella cane, colorful garments, for example, can coat colors of purple, blue and beige combination. You will see how you will stand out from the crowd.

White coat is in first place in the fashion of spring 2013. White chic in itself, it is bright, represents luxury and cleanliness. But if you buy such a model, then you will have some difficulties when worn. White only make you bigger. Therefore, it is best to wear skinny ladies.

If you do not like a coat of white, then pay attention to the tone of ivory-colored cream, vanilla, the color of melted milk, caramel. If you do not like plain things, purchase items with a bright surface finish.

Practical people will approach the dark colors of the clothes. For an active life style will suit you direct shortened coat. As for styles, your style and figure themselves prompt what to choose. The most popular spring will wear flared silhouettes, both in blouses, still in street clothes.

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